
Anti-human iC3b (neoantigen)
规格:250 μL
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Biotinylated Monoclonal Antibodies

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic Procedures.

Each monoclonal antibody has been purified from ascites fluid and labeled with biotin. The protein concentration of each is approximately 0.2 mg/mL.

Catalog Number Vol./Vial Description
A700 250 μL Anti-human C1q
A701 250 μL Anti-human C3c
A702 250 μL Anti-human C3d
A703 250 μL Anti-human C4c
A704 250 μL Anti-human C4d
A705 250 μL Anti-human C5
A706 250 μL Anti-human C6
A707 250 μL Anti-human C7
A708 250 μL Anti-human C8
A709 250 μL Anti-human C9
A710 250 μL Anti-human iC3b (neoantigen)
A711 250 μL Anti-human SC5b-9 (neoantigen)
A712 250 μL Anti-human Factor B (Bb)
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