
Monoclonal Antibody to Human Factor B (Bb) (neo)
规格:100 μL
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Monoclonal Antibody to Human Factor B (Bb) (neo)

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

A murine monoclonal antibody to an epitope in the Bb fragment of Factor B.

This monoclonal antibody was raised against purified human Factor B. It is specific for an antigen expressed on the Bb domain of Factor B. It is reactive to the Bb fragment of Factor B, but not to Factor B itself. This antibody inhibits the function of Factor B in vitro.

Quidel's Factor B (Bb) neo monoclonal antibody has been used in a variety of experimental techniques including EIA and Western Blot. Please contact Quidel Technical Support for details on these or other applications.

Product Specifications



Protein Concentration

> 1.0 mg/mL


100 μL


2°C to 8°C

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Kit Size / Case Size
100 μL
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