
Monoclonal Antibody to Human C3d
规格:100 μL
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Monoclonal Antibody to Human C3d

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

A murine monoclonal antibody to an epitope in the C3d domain of C3

The specificity of the monoclonal antibodies was established via a series of immunological techniques, including ELISA, hemagglutination, and RIA. The antibody was shown by ELISA to bind C3 antigens using highly pure, immobilized C3. The antibody agglutinates EiC3b, EC3b, and EC3d cells in an indirect hemagglutination *****. Finally, the antibody bound to radio-labeled purified iC3b, C3b, and C3d, but not similarly labeled C3 or C3c.

Quidel's C3 (C3d) monoclonal antibody has been used in a variety of experimental techniques including EIA and Immunohistochemistry. Please contact Quidel Technical Support for details on these or other applications.

Product Specifications



Protein concentration

> 1.0 mg/mL


100 μL


2°C to 8°C

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Kit Size / Case Size
100 μL
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