
MicroVue Complement Multiplex - Panel 2 (C1q, C2, C3, C4, C5, Factor D, Factor P)
规格:96 Test
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The MicroVue Complement Multiplex *****s measures the amount of various complement proteins in human plasma or serum specimens. Choose between available off-the-shelf *****s or have a custom kit developed with the specific analytes required (see Ordering Information below for more information).

The included analytes are available in two panels:

  • Panel 1: Ba, Bb, C2 Intact, C3a, C3d, C4a, C4d, C5a, sC5b-9, Factor D, Factor H, Factor I
  • Panel 2: C1q, C2 Intact, C3 Intact, C4 Intact, C5 Intact, Factor D, Factor P

Why two panels?
Different complement proteins are found in different amounts withing serum/plasma. Panel 1 analytes require a 1:100 dilution while Panel 2 analytes require a 1:1000 dilution.

  • For custom panels, only analytes within the same panel can be placed into the same multiplex *****.
Certain analytes cannot be combined into the same custom multiplex *****s due to cross-reactivity. Incompatible analytes include:
  • Panel 1: C3a and C3d
  • Panel 1: C4a and C4d
There are numerous immunological methods for complement testing, including individual protein ELISA-based kits measuring complement cleavage products as markers of complement activation. However, the ability to measure multiple complement proteins in an individual sample constitutes a major step forward in research-based tools. The MicroVue Complement Multiplex *****s can measure the amount of many individual complement proteins and provide a comprehensive overview of complement system homeostasis and activation.
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