
MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit
规格:40 Tests
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit represents a novel approach to fill the gap of animal-specific Complement ELISAs.  This testing method expands the arsenal of Complement analysis in animals; enabling preclinical immune toxicology testing of C-mediated (pseudoallergic) adverse drug effects.  The test allows quantitative measurement of C3 in animal blood, plasma or serum.  The C3 Complement Matrix and the C3 Converter Reagent, convert the activity of C3 in the animal specimen to human SC5b-9 that is detectable with the MicroVue SC5b-9 Plus EIA Kit.

Product Specifications


Set of Reagents

Assay time

> 2 hours



Sample type

Serum; 10-15 IU/mL heparin plasma; 50 μg/mL hirudin plasma

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description

Reagent Kit

lng装车撬| 温度| 高气压气体流量计| 标准气体配气仪| G10环氧管| 江阴加工中心大修| 土工膜厚度仪| RP| 管道木垫厂家| 177ml气动压胶枪| 酶底物法大肠菌群检测试剂| 三相温升大电流发生器| 十二烷基二甲基氧化胺| 厂家「结构合理」| 耐高温风速| DOSENCE加药泵| 西门康IGBT模块| 绝缘油真空滤油机| 医用冷藏箱| 真空感应悬浮炉| 高温高压锻钢球阀| 国产频谱分析仪| 防爆氟利昂气体检测仪| 自动转塔维氏硬度计| 成都L245N管线管批发价格| adler阿德勒球阀| 大流量空气采样装置| 戴南不锈钢卷筒加工| 机械工业电工材料产品质量监督检测中心| 橡胶耐油试验机| 低温控温仪| 蒙那多激光传感器| 医疗设备| 波纹管环刚度内径测量仪| 一体化净水器| 链板给料机| 微量进样器| 搪瓷搅拌器| 美国罗宾耐尔| 光刻烤胶机厂家| Artesyn电源供应器|