
MicroVue Factor I EIA
规格:96 Test
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The MicroVue Factor I Enzyme Immuno***** (EIA) measures the amount of Factor I in human plasma or serum samples.

Factor I (FI) is a negative regulatory protein of the complement system, and inhibits all pathways by cleaving activation components C4b and C3b. FI is a soluble protein, and circulates freely in the blood, though in an inactive state. Once FI is in the presence of a variety of co-factors it activates and inhibits complement activation. These co-factors include Factor H (only for C3b cleavage), MCP (CD46), CD35, and C4BP.

The MicroVue Factor I EIA measures the concentration of Factor I in serum or plasma. It uses a monoclonal antibody to Factor I, which is subsequently detected with an HRP-conjugated antibody that bind to another epitope of Factor I. This test, which provides a rapid, highly specific and quantitative procedure for measuring Factor I levels, is designed for investigations studying the role or status of complement pathway regulation in numerous research settings.

Product Specifications



Assay Time

2 hours


96 wells/plate

Sample type


Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description

ELISA Kit, controls included

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