
High Sensitivity Human PTH (1-34) ELISA
规格:96 tests
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Over the years, studies involving the intermittent dosing of human PTH (1-34) in animals and humans have demonstrated an anabolic effect on bone. This effect was positive for bone mass, size, structure, and strength, demonstrating the antifracture efficacy of the treatment. The FDA has approved the recombinant form of human PTH (1-34) – rhPTH (1-34) or teriparatide, for treatment of many forms of osteoporosis. The measurement of circulating levels of this peptide/drug may be useful in assessing its pharmacological properties and for appropriate dosing and schedule optimization. Additionally, this ***** may be useful in screening samples for both endogenous levels of circulating hPTH (1-34) and elevated levels of this peptide as it may interfere to varying degrees with 2-site immunometric *****s used for measuring intact PTH (1-84).

Obtaining precise measurements of human PTH (1-34) are complicated by antibody cross-reactivity to endogenous PTH (1-84), requiring either a pre-***** immunoextraction of PTH (1-84) or *****ing for both PTH (1-34) and intact PTH
(1-84) to account for this cross-reactivity.

This High Sensitivity (HS) Human PTH (1-34) ELISA Kit uses two antibodies that have been prepared for optimal recognition of human PTH (1-34) while minimizing binding to human PTH (1-84). We have determined the cross-reactivity of 1-84 to be less than 3% on a molar basis. However, if cross-reactivity correction is desired, the concurrent use of PTH (1-84) standards is suggested.

The High Sensitivity Human PTH (1-34) ELISA Kit is a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent ***** (ELISA) for the measurement of Human PTH (1-34) in plasma or cell culture media. An affinity purified goat polyclonal antibody optimized to bind human PTH (1-34) is biotinylated for capture. Another affinity purified goat polyclonal antibody, specific to a different area of the human PTH (1-34) peptide, is conjugated with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for detection.

Product Specifications




96 wells/plate


0.9 pg/mL

Incubation time

< 4 hours

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description Kit Size / Case Size

High Sensitivity Human PTH (1-34)

96 tests

Human PTH Sample Diluent

10 mL
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