
品牌:Verichem Laboratories
规格:5 x 15mL
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  • ● Liquid standards with bovine protein
  • ● Suitable for most methods - visible and UV, kinetic or endpoint
  • ● Known NIST verified targets for major wet chemistry analyzers
  • ● Constant protein content and pH across the concentration levels
  • ● No glycols, azides or surfactants
  • ● Remarkable optical clarity, 21 month open stability
  • ● For calibration or calibration verification


    Units Level A Level B Level C Level D Level E
    Glucose mg/dL 25 200 375 550 725
    Urea Nitrogen mg/dL 5.0 37.5 70.0 102.5 135.0
    Creatinine, Picrate mg/dL 0.2 6.2 12.2 18.2 24.2
    Creatinine, Enzymatic mg/dL 0.1 6.6 13.1 19.7 26.2
    Calcium mg/dL 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
    Phosphorus mg/dL 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 11.0
    Magnesium mg/dL 0.80 2.30 3.80 5.30 6.80
    Magnesium mEq/L 0.66 1.90 3.13 4.37 5.60
    Triglyceride* mg/dL 10 245 480 715 950
    See 9200 Electrolyte Standard Kit or 9240 Serum ISE Standard Kit for electrolyte ranges that are suitable for your system
不锈钢厚壁管| 自动称重贴标机| BLE低功耗测试仪| T100基因扩增仪| 取样式光度计| 水稳拌和站| 上海新宁热能设备| Silverson均质机| 单机除尘器骨架| 电能表校验仪| 烟台不锈钢加工| 熔体流动速率试验机| LCG高压水表| 化学气相沉积炉| 品胜配件| DOSENCE加药泵| 螺旋钢管厂家| 金属卤素灯老化试验箱| 高压开关特性测试仪检定装置| 赛莱默德国WTW| 北京油烟净化器| 防水接线盒| 体外除颤监护仪| 水蒸气透过率测试仪| 变频串联谐振耐压成套装置| 非甲烷总烃气相色谱仪| 低温光照培养箱| HFKLT2| 钢丝绳探伤仪| 边墙排风机| 金斯瑞福建总代理| 静态发色| 在线膜厚仪| 不锈钢实验室捏合机| 硅烷交联| 污泥脱水机| 高速潜水搅拌机厂家| 电瓶车充电监测装置| 真空开关真空度测试仪| ND无缝钢管| 真空泵保养|