
品牌:Verichem Laboratories
规格:10 x 5mL
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  • ● Protein-based, optically clear liquid standards
  • ● Intended specifically for calibration verification
  • ● Known linear relation stated in product insert
  • ● Stable five days after opening when refrigerated
  • ● Kit includes two, five-level sets
  • ● No glycols, azides or surfactants
  • ● Concentrations verified using pure crystalline bilirubin and Doumas reference method

Technical note: Reichert Technologies Bilirubinometer requires 9456 Tru-ZeroTM Bilirubin Standard as the lowest level standard.

  • Analyte Units Level A Level B Level C Level D Level E
    Total Bilirubin mg/dL 0.5 5.5 10.5 15.5 20.5
    Direct Bilirubin *mg/dL 0.5 5.5 10.5 15.5 20.5

* Direct Bilirubin values may vary with methodology and conditions of *****.  Extended range available. See Level F below.

GEC2090| 网商贷| PVDF颗粒| 干冰清洗机| 蜗轮丝杆升降机| 济南锦华仪器设备百科| 珠海佛山江门输送带| 宇电温度巡检仪表| 桌上型恒温恒湿试验箱| 自动化高速点胶机| 接近传感器| 装盒机链条| 二手储运设备罐体提取罐| 真空上料风机| 新能源汽车弹簧| 工业冷水机| 电梯井隔音岩棉板| 淄博滨州青岛阿里巴巴诚信通渠道商| 数显火焰光度计| 铝箔袋| 固体废弃物| 集装箱租赁| 生活及建筑垃圾分拣处理设备| 工业硼酸| 石材一体板| 机床设备翻新| 拉力测试台| 激发光源| 六两高速中药粉碎机| 核生化控制中心| 节能高温老化房| 红火烧板| 安徽钢结构工程| 三通电磁阀| 重型钢格板| 轴流风机| 连排椅生产厂家| 电伴热带| 二甲苯浓度超标报警器| 双五点热封梯度仪| 防潮除湿干燥柜|