
Cynomolgus IFN Beta ELISA Kit (Serum, Plasma, TCM)
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:1 x 96-well plate
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Product Features: 
  • Quantifies Cynomolgus IFN-Beta in serumplasma, and tissue culture media (TCM) as low as 5.47 pg/ml
  • Reproducible results with inter- and intra-***** CVs ≤ 10%
  • Recombinant Mammalian Cynomolgus IFN Beta provided as the ELISA standard

Full Product Name: VeriKine Cynomolgus Interferon Beta ELISA Kit

Compatibility: Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant
Assay Range: 5.47 - 350 pg/ml
Speed: Incubation time, 3 hours
Specificity: Cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) Interferon Beta

Inter-Assay CV: ≤ 10%
Intra-Assay CV: ≤ 8%
Average Spike Recovery: 94%

Storage: 2-8°C
Expiration Date: 12 months from date of manufacture
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice

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