
Rat Interferon Alpha 14, Mammalian
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:10 μg
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Product Features: 
  • Recombinant Rat Interferon Alpha 14 (IFNa14) expressed in mammalian cells
  • Type I IFN
  • Activity measured on rat epithelial-like cells (RATEC) 

Formulation Supplied frozen in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA)
Molecular Weight 18.8 kDa
Source Rat Alpha 14 gene expressed in mammalian cells
Purity Greater than 95%
Bioactivity Measured on rat epithelial-like cells (RATEC) challenged with VSV in the presence of 2 mM Glutathione. For full activity, it is recommended that the reducing agent glutathione is added to the culture medium. IFN was titrated with the use of the cytopathic effect inhibition *****.
Typical Activity (EC50) is 2-10 pg/ml.
Storage For retention of full activity store at -70°C or below and avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles

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